All Classes and Interfaces

Auto versioning modes supported by item to be used with versioning unaware clients.
Represents resource binding.
Represents change types.
Represents item change.
Represents collection changes.
Indicates that operation has failed due to a conflict with the current state of the hierarchy item.
Represents thread safe request/response context.
Base class for all exception thrown inside WebDavEngine.
Represents http request to the WebDAV server.
Represents http response to the WebDAV server.
Base interface for items that support versioning and item versions (DeltaV items).
Serves as the abstract base class for WebDAV engine.
Means that operation could not be performed on the hierarchy item because the requested action depended on another action and that action failed.
Represents a file in the WebDAV repository.
Represents a folder in the WebDAV repository.
Represents file or folder in the WebDAV repository.
Contains all versions of a particular version-controlled item.
Status for an items to be included into multistatus response.
Defines methods that WebDAV Class 2 compliant server hierarchy items must implement.
Indicates that operation has failed because the source or destination hierarchy item is locked and client did not provide lock token.
Serves for exchanging locking information with WebDAV engine.
Is used by WebDAV engine to log messages.
Represents HTTP method handler.
Provides functionality for getting mime type by file extension.
Exception which shall be thrown when status for several items shall be known.
Represents property used for sorting in ascending or descending order.
Represents a single page results returned from the Folder.getChildren(List, Long, Long, List) and, SearchOptions, List, Long, Long) methods.
The precondition given by the WebDAV client evaluated to false when it was tested on the server.
Represents a WebDAV property.
Status for a number of properties to be included into multistatus response.
Response that may be present in multistatus response.
If your server implementation needs to support quotas, this interface must be implemented on Folder items (items that implement Folder interfaces).
Base class for responses to be included into multistatus response.
Implemented on files that can retort upload progress.
Implemented on files and folders that supports updating parts of its content.
Represents a folder that supports search according to DASL standard.
Represents DASL search parameters.
This specification defines an extension to Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) that allows efficient synchronization of he contents of a WebDAV collection.
Implemented on files and folders to report upload progress.
Represents single item version.
This interface must be implemented on items that support versioning.
Various status to describe operation result for an item.